Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Cost in India

breast augmentation cost in Delhi

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Cost in India

He average fat transfer breast augmentation cost in India lies between 1464 – 2440 USD (1.2 Lakh INR to 2.3 Lakh INR). However, this cost can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the location of the clinic, the surgeon’s expertise, and the desired outcome. Generally, fat transfer breast augmentation is more expensive than traditional breast augmentation with implants because it involves two procedures: liposuction (for fat removal) and breast augmentation (injecting harvested fat in breasts).

Fat grafting breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery where the woman’s own fat is used to improve the breast size instead of inserting implants. The major goal of fat transfer breast augmentation cost in Delhi is to generate a more proportional and pleasing bustline without using standard breast implants. Fat transfer breast augmentation provides the dual benefit of body contouring through liposuction, allowing patients to improve their breasts while removing excess fat from areas like the abdomen or thighs.

Understanding Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Procedure

Before moving forward with factors affecting the cost of breast augmentation, let’s understand the procedure.

During the procedure, first, the surgeon performs liposuction on areas of the patient’s body with excess fat, such as the abdomen, thighs, or flanks, to harvest the fat. The fat is suctioned with special tools. Then, this harvested fat is processed and purified to remove impurities. The purified fat is injected into the breasts through small, strategically placed incisions. Because no foreign materials are involved, there is a lesser chance of complications such as implant rupture or capsular contracture.

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    What Does the Cost of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation in India Include

    The cost of fat transfer breast augmentation in India depends on the following factors:

    1. Clinic Location: The fat transfer breast augmentation cost in Delhi significantly depends on the clinic’s location. The cost of medical procedures varies from city to city because of differences in living costs and demand for cosmetic surgery procedures. The prices for medical procedures are generally higher in larger cities and metropolitan areas as compared to those in small towns or rural areas.
    2. Surgeon’s Experience and Credentials: The skill and reputation of the surgeon play a crucial role in determining the cost of fat transfer breast augmentation in India. A board-certified plastic surgeon with a strong track record of successful procedures tends to charge higher fees. Fat transfer breast augmentation involves liposuction and fat injecting. Both these procedures carry risks and complications like bleeding, swelling and infection; however, choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon can eliminate these side effects. Therefore, don’t compromise the outcome over cost.
    3. Clinic Facilities: The quality of clinic facilities is another signficant factor in determining the overall cost of the procedure. Due to technological advancement, several modern techniques are used to perform the operation. Modern, well-equipped clinics with advanced technology and a high standard of hygiene tend to charge more for their services. People also prioritize safety and comfort when choosing a clinic for fat-transfer breast augmentation procedures. High-end clinics may provide a luxurious environment, personalized treatment, and other facilities, all of which might raise the fat transfer breast augmentation cost in Delhi.
    4. Liposuction Areas: Liposuction is used to harvest fat from donor regions for fat transfer breast augmentation procedure. The number and size of these areas can impact the total cost. Women requiring liposuction from multiple parts or larger volumes of fat removal may have to pay higher costs due to the extended surgical time and resources involved. During the consultation, the board-certified plastic surgeon will assess the donor areas and estimate the cost depending on the procedure’s unique requirements.
    5. Amount of Fat Transferred: The amount of fat transferred to the breasts significantly influences the fat transfer breast augmentation cost in Delhi. Larger volume transfers typically cost more than smaller ones because they require more liposuction and a longer surgical procedure.
    6. Anesthesia Fees: The fat transfer breast augmentation procedure is performed under anesthesia. There are two types of anesthesia used: local anesthesia and general anesthesia. The cost of anesthesia is also included in the overall price of the procedure. The board-certified plastic surgeon will discuss the type and cost of the anesthesia during the consultation.
    7. Pre-operative and Post-operative Costs: Pre-operation costs and post-operation care can also impact the fat transfer breast augmentation cost in Delhi. Pre-operation costs may include consultation with the surgeon, blood tests and other pre-operative medical assessments. Post-operative care may include several medications, like antibiotics, compression garments, and post-operative follow-up appointments. Although these costs are not included in the procedure, these expenses can impact the overall cost of the procedure.
    8. Additional Procedures: Some patients combine fat transfer breast augmentation procedures with additional cosmetic treatments, such as multiple region liposuction or a breast lift. Due to the prolonged surgical time and other resources and experience required to execute several operations simultaneously, these treatments will raise the overall fat transfer breast augmentation cost in Delhi.

    These factors can significantly influence the fat transfer breast augmentation cost in Delhi, India. During your consultation with your surgeon, discuss all your concerns to get an accurate estimate of the cost based on your specific needs and goals. Make sure to discuss all potential fees during the consultation process to make an informed decision about the procedure.

    breast augmentation cost in Delhi

    Is A Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Worth the Money?

    Whether fat transfer breast augmentation is worth the money depends on several factors, including the goals, expectations, and circumstances. Therefore, it is essential to understand the pros and cons of the procedure before considering fat transfer breast augmentation procedure.


    Pros of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Procedure

    The pros of the procedure may include the following:

    • Fat transfer breast augmentation can give very natural-looking results because your own body fat is used to enhance your breasts.
    • In addition to enhancing breast size, liposuction is used to harvest fat from donor areas, allowing for body contouring and improved symmetry.
    • Because no foreign implants are inserted into the body, the risk for complications associated with breast implants, such as rupture or capsular contracture, is reduced.
    • Fat that effectively integrates into the breast tissue is considered permanent, offering long-term effects.
    • Fat transfer breast augmentation is a minimally invasive procedure, which typically means shorter recovery times, smaller incisions, and reduced scarring compared to traditional breast implant surgery.


    Cons of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Procedure

    Here are the cons of fat transfer breast augmentation procedure:

    • Although fat transfer can result in a moderate increase in breast size, it may not reach the same amount of augmentation as breast implants.
    • Fat transfer breast augmentation is not suitable for all. Liposuction may not be ideal for those with a lean physique because insufficient fatty tissue is available for use in the fat transfer procedure.
    • Because of the requirement for liposuction to perform the procedure, fat transfer breast augmentation might be more costly than traditional breast implant surgery.
    • After the procedure, patients can expect some initial swelling and bruising, which can take time to resolve. Whether relatively low, there are chances of injection after fat transfer breast augmentation procedure.
    • Fat transfer is not an effective solution for addressing sagging breasts caused by factors such as aging, genetics, pregnancy, or weight loss.

    Whether fat transfer breast augmentation is worth the money depends on your personal goals and priorities. It’s important to have realistic expectations and choose a qualified board-certified plastic surgeon who can guide you through the process, considering all aspects of the procedure, including its cost and potential benefits.

    Schedule Your Consultation!

    Various factors influence the fat transfer breast augmentation cost in Delhi. You should thoroughly discuss these factors with the best plastic surgeon during the consultation process to obtain a clear and accurate estimate of the total cost and make an informed decision.

    If you are considering breast augmentation, schedule your consultation with Dr Rajat Gupta, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Delhi. He will assess your breast size and recommend the appropriate procedure for optimal results.

    Dr. Rajat Gupta

    MBBS, MS, DNB(Gen. Surg.),
    DNB (Plastic Surgery)

    Dr. Rajat Gupta is a board certified plastic surgeon in India with 13 years of experience to back his expertise in the domain of aesthetic surgeries.

    Having completed his training from Maulana Azad Medical College and equipped with a thorough understanding of aesthetic needs of people, Dr. Gupta strives to offer the best remedies and cosmetic procedures outfitted with the latest technology to the aspirants in India and across the globe. To book an appointment, call: +91-9251711711 or email: contact@drrajatgupta.com

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