What is a Mastopexy? Procedure, Cost, Recovery, Surgery Complications and Risks

Breast Lift Procedure

What is a Mastopexy? Procedure, Cost, Recovery, Surgery Complications and Risks

Are you struggling with sagging or drooping breasts that have lost their youthful perkiness? Do you wish to achieve a more lifted and firmer breast appearance? Look no further than mastopexy, commonly known as a breast lift! Mastopexy, or breast lift procedure, is a surgical procedure that rejuvenates sagging breasts, giving them a more youthful and lifted appearance.

The procedure involves removing excess skin, tightening the breast tissue, and repositioning the nipples to create a more lifted and rejuvenated appearance.

Whether you’re unhappy with the effects of ageing, pregnancy, or weight loss on your breasts, a mastopexy can help you achieve your desired look. However, like any surgical procedure, mastopexy comes with risks, and it’s essential to be well-informed before surgery.

Don’t worry! In this article, we will delve into the details of mastopexy, so that you can make an informed decision. Keep reading!

What is Mastopexy?

Mastopexy, commonly referred to as a breast lift, is a surgical procedure performed to lift and reshape the breasts to achieve a more youthful and aesthetic appearance. Breast lift treatment in Delhi is typically done to address sagging or drooping breasts that may have occurred due to ageing, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, or genetic factors.

Over time, factors like ageing, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, or genetics can cause your breasts to lose shape and firmness. Mastopexy can help restore your breasts to youthful glory and achieve a natural look. Not only does mastopexy lift your breasts to new heights, but it can also reposition your nipples and areolas to a higher, more natural-looking position on your breast mound.

And if you are looking to enhance your breast size or restore lost volume, mastopexy can be combined with breast implants for a truly breathtaking transformation.

Have questions or want to get started? We are ready to help you with a smile!


    During the breast lift procedure, excess skin is removed, and the remaining breast tissue is reshaped and repositioned to create a more lifted and perky appearance. The nipple and areola may also be moved to a higher position on the breast mound for a more natural look. In some cases, breast implants may be combined with a breast lift to add volume and fullness to the breasts.

    The journey begins with a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon who will assess your individual needs, discuss your expectations, and evaluate your overall health. Breast lift in Delhi is typically performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon under anaesthesia. The specific technique used may vary depending on the patient’s needs and desired outcomes.

    After that, your surgeon will make carefully planned incisions on your breasts. The incision pattern will depend on the specific technique chosen by your surgeon, which can vary depending on the amount of excess skin to be removed, the degree of breast sagging, and other factors. Common incision patterns include the anchor or inverted T, lollipop, and periareolar.

    After making the incisions, your surgeon will remove the excess skin from your breasts. Then, the remaining breast tissue will be reshaped and repositioned to create a more lifted and firmer appearance. If desired, breast implants may be inserted at this stage to enhance the size and shape of your breasts.

    To achieve a natural-looking result, your surgeon will reposition your nipples and areolas to a higher position on your breast mound. This helps to restore a more youthful and aesthetic look to your breasts.

    Once the reshaping and repositioning are completed, your surgeon will meticulously close the incisions using sutures and may also employ surgical tape or skin adhesives to ensure proper healing.

    After the breast lift procedure, you will be monitored in a recovery area to ensure a smooth transition from the anaesthesia. Your surgeon will provide detailed post-operative care instructions to promote healing and help you recover optimally.

    Remember, the specific details of the mastopexy procedure may vary depending on your unique case and the technique used by your surgeon. It’s crucial to follow your surgeon’s instructions, attend all post-operative appointments, and communicate any concerns or questions you may have during your recovery process.


    Several factors can affect the cost of breast lift treatment in Delhi, which may vary depending on the specific circumstances and the surgeon’s practice. Some of the common factors that can impact the cost of mastopexy include:

    Surgeon’s Experience and Expertise: The experience and expertise of the plastic surgeon performing the mastopexy can also impact the cost.

    Geographical Location: The cost of mastopexy can vary depending on the location of the plastic surgery practice. Generally, areas with a higher cost of living or higher demand for cosmetic surgery may have higher prices for mastopexy.

    Complexity of the Case: The complexity of the mastopexy procedure can affect the cost. Cases requiring more extensive reshaping, repositioning, or removal of excess skin may be more complex and time-consuming, impacting the overall cost.

    Type of Anesthesia: The anaesthesia used during the breast lift procedure can also affect the cost. General anaesthesia, which involves being completely asleep during the procedure, may be more expensive than local anaesthesia with sedation, which consists in being awake but relaxed.

    Additional Procedures: If additional procedures such as breast augmentation with implants or liposuction are combined with the breast lift procedure, it can impact the cost. Other procedures may require additional surgical time, resources, and expertise, affecting the overall cost.

    Facility Fees: The fees associated with the surgical facility where the mastopexy is performed can also impact the cost. Accredited surgical facilities with state-of-the-art equipment and amenities may charge higher fees than less advanced facilities.

    Pre-operative and Post-operative Costs: Pre-operative costs such as consultations, lab tests, and medications, as well as post-operative fees such as compression garments, medications, and follow-up visits, can also affect the overall cost of mastopexy.


    Like any surgical procedure, recovery after a breast lift in Delhi can vary from person to person. Following your plastic surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully is important to ensure a smooth and successful recovery.

    After the breast lift treatment in Delhi, you will be taken to a recovery room, where you will be monitored closely by the medical team. You may experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the chest area. Pain medication and antibiotics may be prescribed to manage pain and prevent infection.

    You will need to wear a supportive surgical bra or a compression garment to help reduce swelling and support the breasts during the initial healing period.

    It’s important to rest, avoid strenuous activities like heavy lifting, vigorous exercise, and activities that strain the chest muscles, and follow your surgeon’s instructions on showering, dressing changes and medication management.

    As the weeks and months pass, you will continue to see improvements in the appearance of your breasts as swelling subsides and the breasts settle into their new shape. It’s important to keep all follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon and communicate any concerns or questions you may have during the recovery period.

    Every patient’s recovery after a breast lift procedure may differ, and it’s important to follow your plastic surgeon’s specific instructions for your individual case. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding smoking, and practising good wound care is crucial to promoting optimal healing.

    Be patient with the recovery process, as it may take several months to manifest fully. With proper care and patience, you can recover successfully and enjoy the aesthetic benefits of mastopexy.

    Breast Lift Procedure

    Complications and Risks

    As with any surgical procedure, breast lift treatment in Delhi has potential risks and complications. While most patients experience a safe and successful outcome, it’s important to be aware of the possible risks and discuss them with your plastic surgeon before undergoing the procedure. Here are some potential complications and risks associated with mastopexy:

    Infection: There is a risk of infection at the incision sites after mastopexy. This can usually be managed with antibiotics, but in some cases, further treatment or surgical intervention may be required.

    Bleeding or Hematoma: Bleeding or hematoma (collection of blood) can occur after mastopexy. While rare, it may require additional surgery to drain the blood and control the bleeding.

    Changes in Sensation: After a mastopexy, you may experience changes in sensation in the breasts or nipples. This may include temporary or permanent numbness, tingling, or increased sensitivity. Most often, sensation returns to normal over time, but in some cases, it may be altered permanently.

    Scarring: The breast lift procedure involves incisions on the breasts, resulting in scars. The extent and visibility of scars can vary depending on factors such as the surgical technique used, individual healing ability, and genetics. Scars may be initially red and raised but typically fade and flatten over time.

    Asymmetry: Mastopexy aims to create symmetrical and balanced breasts, but there is a possibility of uneven results, including uneven positioning, shape, or size.

    Poor Wound Healing: Some individuals may experience poor wound healing after a breast lift in Delhi, resulting in delayed healing, wound separation, or poor scarring. Factors such as smoking, poor nutrition, or other medical conditions may increase the risk of wound healing.

    Anesthesia Risks: Anesthesia used during the mastopexy procedure carries risks, such as adverse reactions or complications related to administering anaesthesia.

    Discussing these risks and potential complications with your plastic surgeon during your consultation is essential. Your surgeon will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the risks associated with mastopexy and will take appropriate measures to minimise these risks during the surgery.

    Following all pre-operative and post-operative instructions is important to optimise your safety and recovery. If you experience any unusual symptoms or concerns during your recovery, it’s crucial to contact your surgeon promptly for evaluation and management.

    As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr Rajat Gupta understands that each patient is unique and requires personalised care. With his meticulous attention to detail and artistic approach, he can tailor the mastopexy or breast lift procedure to suit your needs, ensuring natural-looking results that complement your body proportions.

    Dr. Rajat Gupta

    MBBS, MS, DNB(Gen. Surg.),
    DNB (Plastic Surgery)

    Dr. Rajat Gupta is a board certified plastic surgeon in India with 13 years of experience to back his expertise in the domain of aesthetic surgeries.

    Having completed his training from Maulana Azad Medical College and equipped with a thorough understanding of aesthetic needs of people, Dr. Gupta strives to offer the best remedies and cosmetic procedures outfitted with the latest technology to the aspirants in India and across the globe. To book an appointment, call: +91-9251711711 or email: contact@drrajatgupta.com

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