
What Is Rhinoplasty?

Out of everything that matters to us when it comes to good looks, the shape and size of the nose plays a very significant role in defining the overall appearance of the face. Your sharp features may be ruined because of a broad or blunt nose; a round, bulbous nose, might make your face look fat; or a tilted (deviated) nose might lead to difficulty in breathing. Similarly, a thick, broad, bulbous or drooping tip might not be of your liking too.

Rhinoplasty rectifies all these shortcomings and gives you a whole new altered and desirable look. It is a cosmetic surgery conducted on the nose to reshape or resize the nose, and also to correct the breathing problems. This procedure helps to make the nose appear better, and improves any functional disorders.

It also can change the width of the nose bridge and reduces the appearance of humps or depressions on nose. Other corrections that can be done through this procedure are the position of the nasal tip, the size of the nostrils, and the symmetry of both nostrils.

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Rhinoplasty Best Results / Before & After

1 Slide Result

Our patient came to us feeling self conscious about her nose, describing it as blunt and wide. She expressed a clear desire for a sharper, more refined look but with one crucial condition: it had to appear completely natural. Our patient got a new, balanced nose, which enhanced her features without drawing attention to the fact that she had undergone surgery

1 Slide Result

This 26 year young marketing professional wanted her nose hump to be reduced along with nasal height reduction and tip refinement

Age: 26 year
Weight: 62
Height: 5'3"
Type: Open Rhinoplasty Results after 10 days

1 Slide Result

This 24 year old student wanted to get his nose shape improved.He didn’t like his dorsal hump as well as downward pointed nose tip

Age: 24 years
Weight: 74
Height: 5'7"

We did Open Septo rhinoplasty to correct his dorsal hump and tip refinement

1 Slide Result

This 26 year old patient from Afghanistan wanted to get his nose shape improved.He didn’t like his dorsal hump as well as downward pointed nose tip

Age: 26 years
Weight: 78
Height: 6'2"

We did Open Septo rhinoplasty to correct his dorsal hump and tip refinement

1 Slide Result

This 26 year old young lady from UK wanted to get her nose shape improved. She didn’t like his dorsal hump.

Age: 26 years
Weight: 61
Height: 5'5"

We did Open Septo rhinoplasty to correct her dorsal hump and give a smooth shape to her nose

1 Slide Result

This 28 year old cricketer wanted to get his nose shape improved.He didn’t like his dorsal hump as well as downward pointed nose tip

Age: 28 years
Weight: 72
Height: 5'8"

We used tools like MicroAire and VASER to achieve this lookWe did Open Septo rhinoplasty to correct his dorsal hump and tip refinement

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Why Rhinoplasty Is Done?

Rhinoplasty procedure is done if:

  • You want to change the appearance of their nose
  • You have broad or blunt nose
  • You have a round, bulbous nose which might make your face look fat
  • You have a tilted (deviated) nose might lead to difficulty in breathing.
  • You are suffering with breathing problems like snoring, deviated septum, or inferior turbinate hypertrophy, due to improper functionality of your nose
  • You have had a nasal fracture due to any accident or trauma in a car or due to playing any sport.

What Rhinoplasty Can / Can’t Do

  • Can
  • Make your nose smaller and more aesthetic
  • Remove abnormalities like dorsal humps and saddle noses
  • Correct a deviated septum, improving your breathing
  • Make your nose slimmer
  • Reorient the tip, so doesn’t look like a hook or is too pointed
  • Can’t
  • Affect your normal breathing
  • Give you a completely new nose
  • Make your nose too big for your face

Don’t take biggest decision of life
Without getting complete information!

How You Should Prepare For Rhinoplasty?

  • Consult a board certified plastic surgeon
  • The surgeon will prescribe some blood tests
  • The surgeon will prescribe medications or adjust your current medications
  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid any medication not prescribed by the surgeon, like aspirin or any anti-inflammatory drugs. They can increase bleeding during the surgery
  • Stop taking any recreational drugs, such as cocaine
  • Arrange for a driver to take you back home post the surgery or someone to stay with you in case one night admission is required

What is the Procedure of Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is done under general anesthesia during which the plastic surgeon will add or remove the bones and cartilage from the nose. This is done to change the form or functionality of the nose.

The other options to enhance the aesthetics are adding a cartilage graft or remodeling of the tip to make it look younger and fitter. Fillers or fat grafts can also be put in to increase the volume and give that youthful look. Some patients prefer silicone, but it comes with its risks of infection.

Recovery After Rhinoplasty?

  • Outpatient procedure
  • After the operation a splint will be placed on your nose.
  • The nasal orifices will be covered and packed with paraffin gauze for 24 to 48 hours.
  • You will be required to wear a patch on the upper lip that you will have to change many times a day.
  • In 7-9 days the splint will be removed and you will be able to do your day-to-day activities.
  • The bruises & swelling will diminish in the next few days and the nose will get softer over a few months and get back to normal.
  • Avoid sun in the initial days of surgery.
  • Within 15 days, you can start practicing light sports, but it is recommended to resume heavy exercises only after a month and consulting your surgeon.

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Risk involved in Rhinoplasty?

Like every surgery, there are risks and potential complications of rhinoplasty. Common risks involved in rhinoplasty include, anesthesia risks, bleeding, a chance of infection, asymmetrical results and persistent pain.

However, if performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon the complications are avoidable.

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