Complete Guide to Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery procedure

Complete Guide to Breast Reduction

Are you considering a breast reduction surgery procedure? Or are you about to have surgery? The decision to undergo a surgical procedure is personal; however, you must know the procedure.

Breast reduction is a cosmetic surgery that removes excess fat, tissue, and skin from the breasts to make them smaller and more proportional to the rest of the body. Breast reduction surgery is beyond a cosmetic procedure because it can also help alleviate symptoms such as back and neck pain, rashes and infections under the breast, and other physical discomforts caused by large breasts.

This article will provide a complete guide to breast reduction surgery.

How to Set/Manage your Expectations?

If you are considering breast reduction surgery in Delhi, you must have realistic expectations from the procedure. While breast reduction surgery is the best way to improve the appearance of the breast and boost self-confidence, there is a distinction between reality and imaginary expectations. Here are some tips for setting or managing your expectations for breast reduction surgery.


  1. Do some homework: Before the surgery, learn as much as possible about the procedure, including the procedure, potential risks and complications, and the recovery process and its potential outcomes. This will help you understand what to expect and set realistic expectations.
  2. Consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon: Schedule a consultation with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and expectations. Your surgeon will be able to provide you with a better idea of what to expect after the breast reduction surgery procedure and will work with you to create a surgical plan that is tailored to your individual needs.
  3. Be prepared for some degree of asymmetry: No two breasts are 100% symmetrical; small differences in size and shape between the two breasts, whether natural or augmented. Most surgeons will always aim for as much symmetry as possible, but slight differences may remain. Therefore, it is important to have a clear understanding with your surgeon on what you’re trying to achieve before surgery. This will help ensure that you and your surgeon are on the same page and have realistic expectations about the procedure results and also about breast reduction surgery cost.
  4. Look at before and after photos: Many surgeons will provide before-and-after photos of previous patients who have undergone breast reduction surgery. This can give you an idea of the possible results of the procedure and can help you set realistic expectations.
  5. Understand the risks and benefits: Breast reduction surgery is a major procedure that carries risks and benefits. It’s important to understand these before the surgery to weigh the potential risks against the potential benefits and make an informed decision.
  6. Be prepared for the healing process: Recovery from breast reduction surgery procedure can take several weeks, and discomfort may occur during this time. And it may take time for you to be fully satisfied with the surgery results. Therefore, be prepared for this and be patient during the healing process.
  7. Be realistic about scars: Breast reduction surgery will leave visible scars, which may take several days to weeks to fade. It’s important to understand that the scars are a normal and necessary part of the procedure and will likely be visible to some degree.

Have questions or want to get started? We are ready to help you with a smile!

    How to Choose a Surgeon for Breast Reduction?

    Choosing the best surgeon for breast reduction surgery in Delhi is essential to ensure a successful outcome. Here are a few tips for choosing the right surgeon for breast reduction surgery:


    1. Chek credentials: You must check your surgeon’s credentials before undergoing breast reduction surgery. Ensure that your surgeon is board-certified in plastic surgery. Also, check your surgeons’ education, training, awards and recognitions they received, and hospital affiliation through their professional society or medical board website.
    2. Chek for experience: Look for a surgeon who has experience performing breast reductions. You can ask the surgeon how many breast reduction procedures they have performed and look at before-and-after photos of their patients to get an idea of their results.
    3. Ask about their techniques: Different surgeons use different approaches for breast reduction surgery procedure; some of the most commonly used are the Wise-pattern technique, the vertical scar technique, and the short scar technique. Ask about the one the surgeon prefers and the one that would be more suitable for your body shape, size, and expectations.
    4. Personal communication: Good communication is important when choosing a surgeon. The surgeon should be able to explain the procedure, answer your questions, and address any concerns you may have. Make sure you feel comfortable talking to the surgeon and that they are a good listener. Also, discuss the breast reduction surgery cost with your surgeon.
    5. Read patient reviews: Look for patient reviews and testimonials online; you can search for medical review websites or social media platforms where patients leave their reviews about their experiences.
    6. Look for before and after images: Some surgeons do not share the before and after pictures online. Ask your surgeon to show before and after photographs during your consultation. This will give you a good idea of the surgeon’s skill level and what results you can expect from the surgery. Also, ask about the breast reduction surgery cost during a consultation.
    7. Ask for referrals: Ask your primary care doctor or other trusted healthcare professionals for referrals or recommendations from friends or family members who have undergone similar procedures.

    While breast reduction surgery in Delhi is a personal decision, don’t rush into making a decision; take your time, gather all the information you need to make an informed decision and choose the right surgeon.

    Effectiveness of Non-Surgical Results

    A non-surgical breast reduction is an alternative approach for women who want smaller and lighter breasts without breast reduction surgery. Several non-surgical methods have been proposed for breast reduction. While some of these methods may temporarily relieve discomfort or swelling, they are not a substitute for the breast reduction surgery procedure. The following are the most common non-surgical methods to reduce breast size:


    1. Weight loss: Weight loss can help reduce breast size, but the amount of reduction will depend on how much weight you lose and the proportion of your weight that is made up of breast tissue. However, it can be challenging to lose a significant amount of weight from just one area of the body, such as the breasts.
    2. Exercises: Exercise, specifically chest exercises such as push-ups, chest presses, chest flyes, and chest dips, in combination with diet, can help tone and strengthen the chest muscles, giving the appearance of smaller breasts. These exercises can help improve the overall shape and contour of the breasts but will not directly target the breast tissue and won’t lead to a substantial reduction.
    3. Massage: Some people claim that massage can help reduce breast size by breaking down fat cells and lymphatic congestion, but this has not been scientifically proven. While massage may temporarily relieve discomfort or swelling, it is not considered a viable method for reducing breast size significantly.
    4. Creams or supplements: Many products that claim to reduce breast size through topical application or oral intake are not supported by clinical studies, and their effectiveness is not confirmed. Most breast-reducing creams or supplements contain a mixture of various ingredients, such as caffeine and other plant-based ingredients. While some of these ingredients may have weak effects on reducing breast size, their impact is insignificant.

    While the risks of non-surgical methods are generally considered low, there are still potential risks you must be aware of:

    • Rapid weight loss can lead to loose or saggy skin, making the breasts appear even larger. If weight loss is not made safely, it can lead to other health problems. A breast reduction surgery procedure does not cause such issues.
    • While chest exercises can help tone and strengthen the chest muscles, they can also lead to muscle strain or injury if done improperly.
    • Massage can cause skin irritation or soreness and, in some cases, if performed by an untrained person or in an aggressive way, can lead to pain and discomfort.
    • Creams or supplements that claim to reduce breast size can cause skin irritation, allergic reactions, and other side effects. Also, these products may not be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), their effectiveness or safety may not have been evaluated, and they are not a substitute for breast reduction surgery in Delhi.

    Non-surgical methods for breast reduction can only provide a slight reduction or may not provide any reduction at all and are not a substitute for surgical breast reduction. Surgical breast reduction, also called reduction mammoplasty, is the most effective option if you are looking for a significant reduction in breast size.

    Breast-Lift-and-Breast-Reduction Before After Results

    Wrapping Up

    The breast reduction surgery procedure is a surgical procedure that reduces breast size and helps to create a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing shape. The surgery is typically done to relieve discomfort or pain associated with large breasts and improve self-esteem and overall self-image.

    Like any surgical procedure, breast reduction carries risks such as bleeding, infection, and changes in sensation. Also, you must have realistic expectations. Therefore, it is important to find a reputable and qualified surgeon who can discuss the procedure’s risks and benefits and help you determine if breast reduction is right for you.

    Dr Rajat Gupta, a board-certified plastic surgeon, will guide you through the procedure and help to achieve the desired outcome.

    Dr. Rajat Gupta

    MBBS, MS, DNB(Gen. Surg.),
    DNB (Plastic Surgery)

    Dr. Rajat Gupta is a board certified plastic surgeon in India with 13 years of experience to back his expertise in the domain of aesthetic surgeries.

    Having completed his training from Maulana Azad Medical College and equipped with a thorough understanding of aesthetic needs of people, Dr. Gupta strives to offer the best remedies and cosmetic procedures outfitted with the latest technology to the aspirants in India and across the globe. To book an appointment, call: +91-9251711711 or email:

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