Genital Rejuvenation

What Is Genital Rejuvenation?

As women age, their private parts might get disfigured. It could significantly affect their sex life and could ruin their confidence. Childbirth could change the contoured structure of the vagina. It could result in discomfort or pain during sexual activity which could degrade their sexual gratification.

Genital Rejuvenation can be done to reshape the vulva or labia, the outer and inner lips of the vagina. The procedure for this is known as Vulvaplasty. This usually involves reduction of labia minora, augmentation of labia majora, clitoral hood remodeling. Individuals require either of these or their combination.

It is also done to tighten the vaginal wall, which due to repeated child birth or aging looses its tightness and becomes too lax. Vaginoplasty is a vaginal tightening procedure solving the above problem and increasing the sexual gratification.

What Is Genital Rejuvenation - Dr Rajat Gupta - Best Plastic Surgeon in Delhi

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Genital Rejuvenation Best Results / Before & After

1 Slide Result

This 46 year lady wanted her genital rejuvenation after giving birth to two kids.

Age: 46 year
Weight: 73
Height: 5'3"
Type: Labiaminoraplasty along with Labia Majora fat grafting

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Why Genital Rejuvenation Is Done?

Genital Rejuvenation procedure is done if:

  • To restore the look of your vagina and vulva post-childbirth
  • To get rid of the excessive pain a woman feels while exercising or during sexual activities owing to a changed vaginal structure after childbirth
  • To increase sexual gratification
  • To enhance the aesthetic appeal of the vagina

What Genital Rejuvenation Can / Can’t Do

  • Can
  • Tighten the female genitalia
  • Improve sexual satisfaction
  • Enhance sensation
  • Reduce the size of the labia if necessary
  • Make the vagina and vulva more aesthetically-pleasing
  • Can’t
  • Restore the complete pre-childbirth appearance
  • Change the appearance drastically
  • Tighten the genitalia with zero invasion
  • Prevent future childbirth

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How You Should Prepare For Genital Rejuvenation ?

Female Genital Rejuvenation Surgery in Delhi
  • Consult a board certified plastic surgeon
  • The surgeon will prescribe some blood tests
  • The surgeon will prescribe medications or adjust your current medications
  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid any medication not prescribed by the surgeon, like aspirin or any anti-inflammatory drugs. They can increase bleeding during the surgery
  • Stop taking any recreational drugs, such as cocaine
  • Arrange for a driver to take you back home post the surgery or someone to stay with you in case one night admission is required

What is the Procedure of Genital Rejuvenation ?

Like the rest of the body, even the most intimate and private parts of a female body age. Additionally, childbirth can leave it permanently disfigured. This affects vaginal structural contours and can lead to excessive pain during exercise or sexual activity. It can also lead to an extreme stretch of tissues leading to a marked decrease in sexual gratification. A Genital Rejuvenation Surgery can correct all of these.

A team of plastic surgeons at RG Aesthetics, along with a gynecologist, examine the patient thoroughly before performing the Genital Rejuvenation Surgery on aspiring individuals.  Therefore, the patient can rest assured and be confident that their problems are addressed discreetly with the utmost compassion.

There are typically two ways in which genital rejuvenation is done: surgical and non-surgical. Depending on the extent of vaginal disfiguration, your surgeon chooses the right procedure for you.

Female Genital Rejuvenation Surgery in Delhi

Recovery After Genital Rejuvenation?

  • Outpatient procedure
  • After surgery, you will wear a sanitary pad with a small amount of ointment on it, and use ice packs for comfort.
  • All of your stitches will be dissolvable.
  • You will use a “peri bottle” or water bottle to cleanse yourself after going to the bathroom.
  • When you are resting at home, I advise pelvic elevation by keeping your pelvis propped up on 1-2 pillows to help the swelling come down.
  • Swelling after labiaplasty peaks in the first 2 weeks. During this time frame, swelling is gravity-dependent, so you will notice that spending more time doing pelvic elevation helps the swelling decrease.
  • Even if you are up and about right after surgery, this will not affect your long-term result, although it may take a bit longer for your swelling to go away.
  • After the first 2 weeks, swelling continues to decrease on its own. You will have about 80% of the final surgical result at 1 month after surgery and 90% after 6 weeks, although it takes a full 6 months for all swelling to completely dissipate.

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Risk involved in Genital Rejuvenation ?

Like every surgery, there are risks and potential complications of genital rejuvenation. Common risks involved in genital rejuvenation include, anesthesia risks, bleeding, hematoma, a chance of infection, less sensation in nipple or breast, scarring, implant rupture, capsular contracture, seroma and persistent pain.

However if performed by a board certified plastic surgeon the complications are avoidable.

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